# Quick Start

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them” - David Allen

# Capture

The first action is to add your open loops, tasks and ideas to the Inbox:


# Arrange

Now you have everything captured, the next goal is to arrange your items into actionable next steps.

If an item can be completed in just the one step, then all you need to do is move it to the appropriate area of focus:

Focus List Description
Inbox Place to capture everything you need to do
Now What you need to do right now
Next The next most important action
Someday Maybe Nice to have/do
Waiting For Something you are waiting for someone else to do
Scheduled Something you need to do at a specific time in the future

If an item has more than one action to complete, it should be turned into a project and split into all the actions you can think of to complete the project.

To turn a task into a project, select the task and hit the Convert to Project button.

Create Project

then you can add the items needed to complete the project

Fill Project


You can create projects directly from the navigation menu

You can change the task order at any time by dragging and dropping



Don't put everything into the Now list. The next most important tasks should be added to Next. Pull things into Now when you are ready to start work on them or they need your immediate focus

Focus List

Use tags to set the context, for example 'Calls', 'Shops', 'At Office', etc


See Projects and Areas for more information.

# Complete

Now you have some tasks to work on, you're ready to begin getting focused


As you start working on tasks, use the Personal Kanban view to make sure you don't have too much work in progress.



You can toggle between the list view and Kanban view by selecting the Show List/Kanban View option from the floating action button on the bottom right of the screen

You can also use the Ctrl+Shift+K keyboard shortcut when running on a desktop

Alternatively, you can just mark items as done using the more traditional todo list



Still struggling with Procrastination, try organising your work into Work Cycles

See Work Cycles for more information.

Last Updated: 8/20/2021, 4:50:35 PM